physiotherapy, occupational therapy or speech therapy, the individual may be eligible for assistance under the auspices of the government—funded home care/home support programs organized in each province. Because eligibility criteria and the services available vary significantly, it is best to request an assessment in your community. This can be initiated by your doctor or social worker, or you can call directly. The benefits of the government-funded program are: • care can be coordinated • services can be organized in response to your changing needs • the service is available at no charge to eligible patients There are also limitations, which should be explored. Some of the shortcomings may be offset by the helpful interventions of family and friends. The restricted services available through government programs can also be bolstered via private medical insurance policies, enabling patients to remain safely and comfortably at home for longer periods. Other Resources A variety of other resources are available in most communities. Your local chapter of the Canadian Cancer Society can provide information on support groups, self-help programs and organizations devoted to specific problems, such as Reach to Recovery, CanSurmount or the Ostomy Association.